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You're viewing Oddworld : Munch's Oddysee Cheat Codes

Game Name : Oddworld : Munch's Oddysee
System : Xbox
Date Added : 2004-08-21 13:10:46
Views : 35159

Health Power Up
On the later levels when using Abe or Munch, have the character you are not controlling stand next to a health vending machine. When Abe (for example) gets hit, switch back to Munch, use the machine, then quickly tap Character Change before the little guy drinks. You will find the health power-up will go to the character who is nowhere near the vending machine (in this case Abe).

Abe Hints
- Always possess lonely enemys or Big Bro Sligs with Abe, it will make your life alot easier!
- If you run low on sprooce just chill out! Use Abe to grow back sprooce with the "L" button.

Destroy bombs in spuce shrub forest
All you have to do is get a mukudon and throw it on the bomb and you can pass threw it easily. You won't lose your mukudon.

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